i cant sleep in the wee hours of this morning, so...
XXX yes i am
XXX you mind?
XXX if you mind i can understand
Me well... it depends on one's motive... i strictly just wanna talk that's all
Me u have children i sup?
XXX chats ok as long as you are comfy
XXX no, i do not have any yet
XXX you have bf?
Me nope
Me ur wife asleep?
XXX no
XXX wife is with my inlaw in malaysia
XXX all alone now....til april
Me ur a msian?
XXX hmmm...so to say... a bachelor til april
XXX no lah...i pure singaporean
XXX you?
Me ur married, how cn u call urself a bacherlor?
Me am a singaporean
XXX not in a sense of status
XXX more so in physical sense
XXX 'single' now mer
Me i mean pardon me... since we dun see ea other in real life
XXX doesn't matter whether see or do not see...as long as we are comfy to chat here
Me but ur married, how can u even be single in the physical sense?
Me u have probs with ur wife?
XXX nope
XXX she has to be in malaysia for some errands
Me she's good to u?
XXX yes...
XXX in what sense you mean 'good' leh?
Me erm.. all sense lah
Me or u feel that she doesnt satisfy u or wat
Me er... is it a dif qn to ans
Me if so nvm la
XXX nope
Me does she know how to use the internet?
XXX yes
Me so i guess she chats online too?
XXX nope
XXX she hates it
Me so have u met a lot of people fr online so far?
XXX a few
XXX how abt you?
Me nt really
XXX ic
XXX so you clean and goody good huh?
Me wat u think?
XXX clean gals can be as noti
XXX noti girls are also as clean
Me u met those lot?
XXX not a lot
Me meaning? u met clean girls or noti girls?
XXX paradoxically both
XXX some noti became clean
XXX some clean got noti
XXX pardoxical huh?
Me wat abt u then? how would u describe urself?
XXX i am as paradoxical
XXX i am naturally noti as a man of my age
XXX and also discreetly clean
Well, chats like this at this hour, after experiencing the irc (singnet irc has already shut down since June 07, prolly due to the works of Dollies Gone Wild. Good job for them!), doesn't come as a surprise to me.... however, i'm still as disgusted by the fact some guys esp. already married ones (let's not even talk about merely attached) would be on the prowl for sex online and hopefully offline as well (their true intentions).
You have her trust. Dun abuse it. Oh well, depends on who u get attach to ba. It makes me shiver just to think that there're many guys out there who want their cake and eat it too.
XXX how come yo so quiet leh?
Me tis hr tired
XXX you want to keep up again?
Me keep up?
XXX exchange numbers?
Me oh
Me i dun gib no online
XXX its ok
XXX nice chatting with you *my nick*
XXX got to go now
XXX tired and sleepy
Me cya
XXX will you call me?
I would like to share here on what I've read before by Brad Masters. Here is what he's written:
I do understand the Feminist Perspective. And, I realize that men often judge women by their looks and/or perceived suitability as a sex partner, rather than as .
That's why some Eastern religious traditions teach celibacy. It's not really about being pure... or turning all one's energies towards God.
No, the true value of celibacy is that by giving up sex,one is more likely to see women purely as another human being like one's self, rather than as a sex objects.
Thus, this is an educational discipline. Once the lesson is learned, celibacy offers no other real benefit, and in fact can turn desires into obsession and become dangerous instead.
To cut his whole article short, let me lift parts of his article and piece them together where i deem appropriate:
The original motivation of the feminist movement was to help women empower themselves, stand up for themselves, and stop being emotional doormats that a man can walk all over.
To become strong! To become anchored in who you are! To assert yourself in the game of life! However, when one thinks of the feminist movement now, it seems to be more about "man hating" and lesbianism.
But please don't get me wrong. I certainly don't give a horse's patooey about anyone's sexual orientation. After all, man or woman, we each have to follow our own inner voice and do whatever feels right inside, even it flies in the face of convention. And, I do feel that every woman should be given the respect and equal treatment by society that she so much deserves. However, I take strong issue with the fact that the feminist movement seems to have been hijacked by man haters.
So lets go back to the underlying issue that lies at the very heart of feminism: Self Empowerment. For, that's what every human being wants, man or woman, and what every human being needs. And, what can be more empowering for a woman than to awaken her inner Goddess, and step out to boldly take as much pleasure out of life as she can get.
Life is a game to be enjoyed... and playfulness lies at the heart of the God or goddess nature that lives deep within each of us. And the dance between the sexes as old as time, and as natural as Mother Nature herself.
To dress up for your man, engage in role playing, or do anything else to bring fresh erotic fun into a relationship is EMPOWERING. For once your inner goddess is awakened, you could be the temple whore and still hold a power over the ruler of the kingdom that will have him begging at your very feet for your love and approval.
To have eyes but for you... and you alone.
So, in case if you've misunderstood me to be frigid, hope what I've quoted clears the air up.